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Housing Accommodations Policy

Principia College is an inclusive and welcoming residential campus that requires all students to live on campus throughout their time at the college. Students with documented disabilities, conditions, or other needs that impact their housing experience may request housing accommodations. The Principia College Housing Accommodations Policy aims to provide students an inclusive and supportive living environment that promotes their academic success and well-being. 

Reasonable Accommodation

Principia College will provide reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities or medical conditions as required by law. Housing accommodations that are considered reasonable are those that do not fundamentally alter the nature of the institution’s policies or that do not place an undue hardship on the Institution, its facilities, or the student/staff population. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to accessible housing rooms, priority or adjusted room or roommate assignments, room modifications, dietary accommodations, and service or emotional support animal accommodations (for which there is a separate policy here). The College will make reasonable efforts to fulfill accommodation requests based on a student’s documented need; however, the availability of specific accommodations may be subject to housing stock, facility or structural restrictions, impact on community members, and other relevant considerations. All reasonable accommodations will be regularly reviewed  and, if necessary, adjusted.  

Documented Need

Unless a disability is readily apparent or otherwise known to the Accessibility Facilitator or Dean of Students, students seeking housing accommodations need to provide appropriate documentation of their disability, condition, or need. Documentation requirements are listed below and may be provided in any written format that best communicates the following: 

  1. A current* statement of disability, condition, or need including an evaluation and diagnosis from a medical professional, and the dates of any evaluation or diagnosis. Or a statement from a Christian Science Practitioner that confirms the student is currently receiving on-going Christian Science treatment for the disability, condition, or need; Principia in its discretion may elect to request additional documentation, including documentation from a medical professional
    *Note: Documentation shall be current, dependent on the nature of the disability, condition, or need. The evaluator conducting any assessment or making any diagnosis must be qualified to do so, including relevant licensure, training, and experience, and cannot be a family member of the student.

  2. Information concerning the impact of the disability, condition, or need including severity, duration, and pervasiveness of the student’s symptoms.

  3. Suggested accommodations to address each limitation as well as a history of accommodations used in the past.

  4. The name, title, and if applicable, license number of medical or other professional conducting the student’s evaluation or providing diagnosis.

  5. If preferred, students may have their provider complete this Documentation of Need Form that ensures the above documentation requirements have been met. 

If the documentation submitted does not contain sufficient information to determine appropriate accommodations, the student will be contacted by the Accessibility Facilitator.

Accommodations Request Form

Students requesting housing accommodations may do so at any time. They may make their request verbally or in writing, though it is most helpful and can be more efficient for students to make their request using the Housing Accommodations Request Form linked below. All accommodation requests shall be accompanied by documentation as described above. Please note, that while a student may request an accommodation at any time during the academic year, Principia is less able to meet housing accommodation requests once room assignments have been determined for a given semester. Students are strongly encouraged to submit their housing accommodation requests before July 1 for fall semester and before December 1 for spring semester. 

Access Housing Accommodations Request Form Here

Confidentiality and Privacy

The College treats accommodation requests as confidential as possible under the circumstances. Supporting documentation is maintained in accordance with HIPPA standards of confidentiality. Disclosure of accommodation information will be limited to authorized Principia personnel directly involved in reviewing and implementing the accommodations. Students receiving accommodations may speak to their professors, coaches, and others in the community to support their success.

Review and Approval Process

A housing accommodations request is an interactive process between the requesting student, the Accessibility Facilitator , and other relevant Principia staff to determine effective, appropriate, and reasonable accommodations that support the student’s access to and enjoyment of residential life on campus. The Accessibility Facilitator , works directly with the student to review their request and gather additional information as needed to better understand and accommodate the student’s needs. Accommodation decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and typically made within 10 business days of receiving the student’s request.

Appeals Process

Students who feel that a provided accommodation or the denial of an accommodation is not appropriate, reasonable, effective, or is discriminatory, may submit an appeal, using the Housing Accomodations Appeals Form to the Accommodations Appeals Committee, which includes the Dean of Students or designee, the Assistant Dean of Academic Services, and the General Counsel. The appeals process will provide an opportunity for the student to present additional information or documentation. The decision of the Accommodations Appeals Committee will be final. 

Access the Accommodations Appeals Form Here

Reasonable Housing Accommodations Expectations for Principia College

Housing accommodation requests will be fairly and impartially reviewed and Principia College will make a good faith effort to provide reasonable accommodations that meet the student’s needs. Principia College, however, cannot accommodate all requests given the nature and limitations of its campus buildings, common spaces, and diverse population of students, faculty, and staff. Principia College cannot provide accommodations that create an undue hardship or alter the fundamental nature of the relevant program. Service Animals will be accommodated in accordance with the ADA.  

Policy Review and Modification

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with applicable laws and regulations or with changes to the College campus or community.  The College reserves the right to modify or update this policy as needed. 

Contact Information for Additional Assistance or Questions

Elise Crow
Legal Advisor, Accessibility Facilitator, and Title IX Coordinator

Mark Hagenlocher
Assistant Dean of Residential Life

Erin Rainwater
Dean of Students

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